Name | Type | Description |
helper-text | string | The helper text for the form element. |
label | string | The label for the form element. |
error-text | string | The error text for the form element. |
aria-current | Enum:page step location date time true false | Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. |
disabled | boolean | Sets the element's disabled state. A disabled element will not be included during form submission. |
value | string | The initial value of the form. This value sets the value property only when the value property has not been explicitly set. |
current-value | string | The current value of the element. This property serves as a mechanism to set the value property through both property assignment and the .setAttribute() method. This is useful for setting the field's value in UI libraries that bind data through the .setAttribute() API and don't support IDL attribute binding. |
name | string | The name of the element. This element's value will be surfaced during form submission under the provided name. |
required | boolean | Require the field to be completed prior to form submission. |
readonly | boolean | Whether the time-picker is readonly. |
minutes-step | number | Distance between presented minute options. |
seconds-step | number | Distance between presented seconds options. If null, seconds are not presented. |
clock | Enum:12h 24h | Forces the time-picker to use a 12h or 24h clock. |
min | string | The earliest accepted time of the time-picker. |
max | string | The latest accepted time of the time-picker. |
Name | Event Type | Description |
click | MouseEvent | Fires when a pointing device button (such as a mouse's primary mouse button) is both pressed and released while the pointer is located inside the element. |
focus | FocusEvent | Fires when the element receives focus. |
blur | FocusEvent | Fires when the element loses focus. |
keydown | KeyboardEvent | Fires when a key is pressed. |
keyup | KeyboardEvent | Fires when a key is released. |
input | Event | Fires when the value of an element has been changed. |
change | unknown | Emitted when the time is changed by the user. |